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100% Online Self-Study CPE… The Way It Was Meant To Be
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There is an old axiom known as the ‘Triple Constraint’ that states any business can only be two of the following: fast, inexpensive, or quality.
NINJA CPE is here to break that rule and give you all three (and not totally bore you in the process).
Do you want to get your CPE requirements knocked out without being ‘nickel and dimed’ to death?
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Do you want CPE material that you’ll actually use as a CPA (ironic, we know) and won’t put you into a coma?
Well…then read on.

(Note: if you like expensive and boring CPE, and enjoy spending 10 hours hunting the internet for classes and comparing the merits of various $300 tax classes, then you’ll hate NINJA CPE and we should part ways now.) 😁

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ALL of our courses are NASBA-approved and can be used in all 50 US states and territories.
We have partnered with AICPA’s Business Learning Institute (national registry #108308) for the content. This means your certificates will be issued on official AICPA letterhead.
Whether you need to report annually, biennially, or triennially (we’re fairly certain that’s a word), NINJA CPE has the courses and credits to cover you.
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By signing up today, you’ll get access to ALL of the courses for one year.
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You will always have access to your portal to download/access your certificates.

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We’ve chosen courses for you with a focus on MBA-specific content. It’s like getting an MBA…without the tuition. 🙂
Because most states require it, we provide NASBA-approved Ethics content as well.*
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The Industry Average For CPE Credits Is $239 Per Year
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NINJA CPE Course Catalog
Our expansive Online Self-Study CPE Course Catalog covers just about everything from Taxes to Personal Development.
Mouseover the for course details.
Course Title | Credits | Description |
Pre-Engagement Planning Activities ![]() |
2 | A Practical Break-Down of “Real World” Best Practices Applied in Highly Successful Audits is a series of eight individual sessions that guide professionals through the complete audit process from “A to Z” – starting with Pre-Engagement Planning Activities, and going all the way through Wrap-up and Quality Control. Attempting to perform an effective and efficient audit can be intimidating and confusing, for new and experienced auditors alike.
This series will provide valuable tips and techniques from an experienced auditor that are needed to successfully design and perform financial statement audits in “real-life” circumstances. Extensive illustrative examples will be used to reinforce a practical understanding of the most critical principles and standards that support a high-quality, insightful, and profitable engagement. This 2-hour session is designed to provide participants with a solid understanding of the important judgment calls that are made before the audit engagement even begins. While these decisions are made by the audit partner/manager, the impact of these conclusions has a direct impact on the entire engagement team. Professional judgment calls at this early stage influence the auditor's assessed risk of material misstatement (i.e., "what could go wrong" in the client's financial statements due to fraud or error). In addition, safeguards to protect and preserve threats to independence and objectivity are designed at this stage of the audit. |
Preliminary Planning Activities ![]() |
2 | A Practical Break-Down of “Real World” Best Practices Applied in Highly Successful Audits is a series of eight individual sessions that guide professionals through the complete audit process from “A to Z” – starting with Pre-Engagement Planning Activities, and going all the way through Wrap-up and Quality Control. Attempting to perform an effective and efficient audit can be intimidating and confusing, for new and experienced auditors alike.
This series will provide valuable tips and techniques from an experienced auditor that are needed to successfully design and perform financial statement audits in “real-life” circumstances. Extensive illustrative examples will be used to reinforce a practical understanding of the most critical principles and standards that support a high-quality, insightful, and profitable engagement. This 2-hour session focuses on the initial information that is gathered and important conclusions that are reached at the on-set of engagement planning and the performance of certain risk assessment procedures. This phase of the engagement sets the stage for how much effort will be invested in evaluating the design and implementation of internal controls (which is covered in Session 3 of this series). Key professional judgments made at this stage provide the foundation and rationale for risk assessment conclusions that are ultimately used to design the nature, timing, and extent of further audit procedures (which is covered in Session 4 of this series). One of the most important learning points that participants will take away from this session will be the recognition that these preliminary activities are not just "check off the box" tasks, but are critical to early judgment calls about the risk of material misstatement, which directly influences the audit effectiveness and efficiency. |
Internal Control Considerations ![]() |
2 | A Practical Break-Down of “Real World” Best Practices Applied in Highly Successful Audits is a series of eight individual sessions that guide professionals through the complete audit process from “A to Z” – starting with Pre-Engagement Planning Activities, and going all the way through Wrap-up and Quality Control. Attempting to perform an effective and efficient audit can be intimidating and confusing, for new and experienced auditors alike.
This series of eight individual segments will provide valuable tips and techniques from an experienced auditor that are needed to successfully design and perform financial statement audits in “real-life” circumstances. Extensive illustrative examples and exercises will be used to reinforce a practical understanding of the most critical principles and standards that support a high-quality, insightful, and profitable engagement. This 2-hour session focuses on important internal control considerations. This includes both evaluating the design and implementation of internal controls, which is required on all engagements. It also includes testing controls for operating effectiveness, which should be considered as part of the risk assessment procedures. This area is one of the most commonly misunderstood and misapplied aspects of the audit process, particularly given the recent significant changes in auditing standards. Inappropriate or inadequate judgment calls made at this stage of the engagement could have the greatest impact on financial statement audit effectiveness and efficiency. Missteps in this area also have the greatest likelihood of being identified as deficiencies in peer or regulatory review. |
Assessing and Responding to Risk ![]() |
2 | A Practical Break-Down of “Real World” Best Practices Applied in Highly Successful Audits is a series of eight individual sessions that guide professionals through the complete audit process from “A to Z” – starting with Pre-Engagement Planning Activities, and going all the way through Wrap-up and Quality Control. Attempting to perform an effective and efficient audit can be intimidating and confusing, for new and experienced auditors alike.
This series of eight individual segments will provide valuable tips and techniques from an experienced auditor that are needed to successfully design and perform financial statement audits in “real-life” circumstances. Extensive illustrative examples and exercises will be used to reinforce a practical understanding of the most critical principles and standards that support a high-quality, insightful, and profitable engagement. This 2-hour session focuses on how to appropriately identify, evaluate, document, and respond to risks of material misstatement due to either fraud or error in order to effectively and efficiently design the nature, timing, and extent of further audit procedures (tests of controls for operating effectiveness and substantive audit procedures). |
Substantive Testing ![]() |
2 | A Practical Break-Down of “Real World” Best Practices Applied in Highly Successful Audits is a series of eight individual sessions that guide professionals through the complete audit process from “A to Z” – starting with Pre-Engagement Planning Activities, and going all the way through Wrap-up and Quality Control. Attempting to perform an effective and efficient audit can be intimidating and confusing, for new and experienced auditors alike.
This series of eight individual segments will provide valuable tips and techniques from an experienced auditor that are needed to successfully design and perform financial statement audits in “real-life” circumstances. Extensive illustrative examples and exercises will be used to reinforce a practical understanding of the most critical principles and standards that support a high-quality, insightful, and profitable engagement. This 2-hour session focuses on performing the substantive audit procedures outlined in the detailed audit plan. Common deficiencies in performing and documenting these further audit procedures will be discussed. |
Engagement Wrap-Up ![]() |
2 | A Practical Break-Down of “Real World” Best Practices Applied in Highly Successful Audits is a series of eight individual sessions that guide professionals through the complete audit process from “A to Z” – starting with Pre-Engagement Planning Activities, and going all the way through Wrap-up and Quality Control. Attempting to perform an effective and efficient audit can be intimidating and confusing, for new and experienced auditors alike.
This series will provide valuable tips and techniques from an experienced auditor that are needed to successfully design and perform financial statement audits in “real-life” circumstances. Extensive illustrative examples will be used to reinforce a practical understanding of the most critical principles and standards that support a high-quality, insightful, and profitable engagement. This 2-hour session focuses on all activities that occur during the wrap-up phase of the engagement. This aspect of an audit engagement is where all good intentions are at risk of unraveling and creating deficiencies in audit quality and compliance with professional and regulatory standards. |
Identifying, Evaluating and Communicating Internal Control Deficiencies ![]() |
2 | A Practical Break-Down of “Real World” Best Practices Applied in Highly Successful Audits is a series of eight individual sessions that guide professionals through the complete audit process from “A to Z” – starting with Pre-Engagement Planning Activities, and going all the way through Wrap-up and Quality Control. Attempting to perform an effective and efficient audit can be intimidating and confusing, for new and experienced auditors alike.
This series will provide valuable tips and techniques from an experienced auditor that are needed to successfully design and perform financial statement audits in “real-life” circumstances. Extensive illustrative examples will be used to reinforce a practical understanding of the most critical principles and standards that support a high-quality, insightful, and profitable engagement. This 2-hour session focuses on how to properly fulfill the requirements for identifying, evaluating, and communicating internal control deficiencies identified during the course of the financial statement audit. |
Engagement Wrap-up and Quality Control Considerations ![]() |
2 | A Practical Break-Down of “Real World” Best Practices Applied in Highly Successful Audits is a series of eight individual sessions that guide professionals through the complete audit process from “A to Z” – starting with Pre-Engagement Planning Activities, and going all the way through Wrap-up and Quality Control. Attempting to perform an effective and efficient audit can be intimidating and confusing, for new and experienced auditors alike.
This series will provide valuable tips and techniques from an experienced auditor that are needed to successfully design and perform financial statement audits in “real-life” circumstances. Extensive illustrative examples will be used to reinforce a practical understanding of the most critical principles and standards that support a high-quality, insightful, and profitable engagement. This 2-hour session emphasizes the key activities that ensure that appropriate quality control procedures were performed on the financial statement audit. |
New Staff: Core Concepts - Key Character Traits and Interpersonal Skills for Auditors ![]() |
1 | Behavioral concepts and other nontechnical skills are explained for new staff looking to achieve success in public accounting. |
New Staff: Core Concepts - Introduction to the Audit Risk Model ![]() |
1 | The audit risk model is explained for new audit staff who will learn how the model is used at various stages in an audit. |
New Staff: Core Concepts - Nuts and Bolts: Preparation, Compilation, and Review Engagements ![]() |
2 | First-year audit staff can learn the elements, performance requirements, and documentation expectations for various engagements. |
New Staff: Practical Application - Fundamentals of Using Data Analytics in an Audit ![]() |
2 | Audit data analytics can be an asset to any auditor. First-year staff can enhance their audit data analytics knowledge and prepare for the future. |
New Staff: Practical Application - Auditing Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses ![]() |
2 | Auditing accounts payable and accrued expenses can pose a challenge. Learning to search for unrecorded liabilities and identify common risks can help new audit staff navigate this audit area. |
New Staff: Practical Application - Fraud Considerations in a GAAS Audit ![]() |
2 | Fraud schemes auditors may encounter can be subtle. First-year audit staff can learn ways to detect and respond to fraud in various forms. |
New Staff: Practical Application - Auditing Inventory and Inventory Valuation ![]() |
2.5 | New staff can successfully audit inventory by examining inventory costing, observations, and other necessary audit procedures. |
Audit Staff Essentials - Experienced In Charge or Senior: Concluding the Audit - Reporting and Engagement Administration ![]() |
2 | Concluding an engagement, including procedural steps, correspondence with management, and the auditor’s report, is explained for experienced in-charge and senior auditors. |
Audit Staff Essentials - Experienced In Charge or Senior: Auditing Deferred Income Taxes ![]() |
1.5 | Auditing deferred income taxes is explained for experienced in-charge and senior auditors. |
Audit Staff Essentials - Experienced In Charge or Senior: Risk Assessment and Advanced Internal Control Considerations ![]() |
2.5 | Key risk assessment considerations are covered by analyzing internal controls, deficiencies, common peer review and inspection findings, and more. |
Audit Staff Essentials – Experienced Staff or New In Charge: Research Tools![]() |
1 | Knowing your research tools can help elevate your skills and support your work. As experienced audit staff, you can deepen your knowledge of the research tools at your disposal. |
Breaking Down the New Auditor's Report for non-ERISA Engagements ![]() |
2 | Auditors’ reports are the ultimate communication between auditor and the public. The auditor's report is a written letter from the auditor containing the opinion of whether an entity’s financial statements comply with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The independent and external audit report is typically published with the company's annual report. This course will discuss the considerations surrounding the objectives and form of the auditor’s report under SAS No. 134, Auditor Reporting and Amendments, Including Amendments Addressing Disclosures in the Audit of Financial Statements. |
Auditing Digital Assets ![]() |
2 | Join us to learn specific considerations for auditing digital assets, including client acceptance and continuance; risk assessment processes and controls; laws, regulations and related parties. |
SOC 1® Planning, Executing, and Reporting ![]() |
2.5 | This course covers planning, execution and reporting considerations and requirements in a SOC 1® examination. |
SOC 2® and SOC 3® Planning, Executing, and Reporting ![]() |
3 | This course covers planning, execution and reporting considerations and requirements in a SOC 2® and SOC 3® examination. |
SOC for Service Organizations Reporting Essentials ![]() |
1 | This course provides you with an overall understanding of SOC for service organizations reporting by covering key concepts and types of SOC for Service Organizations examinations, and applicable guidance. |
New Auditor’s Role on the Engagement Team ![]() |
1 | New audit staff members can learn what to expect on the job regarding roles and responsibilities, behavior expectations, handling clients, common issues, and general tips for success. |
Business Law
Course Title | Credits | Description |
Basics of Business Law ![]() |
1 | Do you know how to keep your company and your clients on the right side of the law? How can management and directors protect themselves from liability? This course will focus on three areas accountants should be aware of contracts, intellectual property and employment law. |
Business Management & Organization
Course Title | Credits | Description |
Faster Disaster Recovery ![]() |
1 | We often think about hurricanes and tornadoes as disasters but have you thought about the impact of new technology, a product recall, or even fraud? Could your business survive 6 weeks without power? |
Essence Of Entrepreneurship ![]() |
1 | Entrepreneur can be defined as a person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order to make money. This course will discuss an alternative approach to building your business plan, along with a candid discussion of the “dark side” of being an entrepreneur. |
Effective Change Management ![]() |
1 | How do you react to change? Change is difficult, even when it is good and for the right reasons. This course will discuss various methods and ideas to consider in helping you navigate the turbulent waters when dealing with change. |
Business Benefits of Sustainability ![]() |
1 | Does your business have a sustainability initiative? Recognize the benefits and business impact of sustainability and identify the steps to get started. |
Better Budgeting and Forecasting ![]() |
1 | What comes to mind when you think of budgeting? Takes too long? No follow-up? It protects the status-quo? If you’ve considered “banning the budget”, this course will show you how to transform it into a planning process that helps your organization achieve its strategy. Discover 21 tips to change your budgeting process that results in a detailed one year budget, to a planning process resulting in a strategic, progressive and long-term achievement of your goals. |
How to Build a Culture of Engagement that Maximizes Trust, Accountability and Performance ![]() |
2 | Building and changing a culture requires a special type of leadership, one committed to clearly identify and reinforce specific behaviors and expectations. These leaders understand their role is to create the conditions for success by engaging individuals in productive and meaningful work. They are intentional about creating the culture they want for their organization or business. |
Digitalization of Society ![]() |
2 | Harness the power to transform your business Embrace digitalization. Learn how to explore and embrace digitalization to keep pace with constant innovations in technology. Understand how failing to be digital ready can damage an organization’s reputation and ultimately prove fatal if the competition gets too far ahead. Equip yourself to consider your organization’s readiness and vision to lead it into the future, and ensure that leadership is prepared and sees a clear direction for the business. Move toward the future. Through up-to-date research and examples, learn how to avoid the risk of paralysis for your business. |
The Circular Economy ![]() |
1 | Rethinking the linear model. Learn how the depletion of finite resources is prompting business to reconsider their business models. Explore different types of circular business models to see if any fit your business, and be open to the need to approach this with an emphasis on systems and design thinking.Understand the need to rethink relationships with markets in which your business operates, how you interact with customers, and your impact on the natural world. Technical and biological cycles.Explore the technical and biological cycles of the circular economy and discover some of the key drivers and technological developments driving the circular economy toward mainstream business. |
Trade Tensions ![]() |
1 | Navigating in uncertain times, understand how differing trade policies of governments around the globe increase uncertainty for business regardless of how or where they operate. Vital for decision-making Learn about the economic debate as it relates to international trade and the differing degrees of economic integration. Understand how businesses making important investment decisions must address their exposure to cross-border trade and its impacts. Gain insight into some key characteristics underpinning global trade tensions, increasingly on many organizations’ risk radar. Net winner or loser? Understand the benefits and the challenges that increasing international trade tensions can have on your business. Consider your value chains and geographic footprint, and understand where resilience needs reinforcing and risk appetite needs re-assessing. |
Introduction to Budgeting and Planning ![]() |
1 | Start preparing an operational budget.
The course explores the budgeting tool that helps managers for planning, controlling, and forecasting. By focussing on key steps in the budgeting process, you can recognize budgeting concepts and components and identify the trends and variations to meet your target. - Budgeting process Gain experience with detailed exercises. |
Further Aspects of Budgeting and Planning ![]() |
1 | Budgets are a control mechanism.
This course outlines the rationale for and against different methodologies that can be used when preparing budgets in the current economic and technological climate. In line with strategic objectives, organisations use budgeting as the most widely used standard device for planning and control. This course will give you the fundamentals of the budgeting process and budgetary control. Acquire new skills to demonstrate proficiency: - Overview of approaches to budget preparation Gain experience with detailed exercises. The practical hands-on exercise uses real-world examples, and they are designed to give you real-world knowledge on how to apply daily cost accounting principles. |
Behavioural Aspects of Budgeting and Planning ![]() |
1 | Budget for targets.
This course will help you identify factors that affect management's performance and identify dysfunctional behaviours from the budget process. By breaking down planning and operational factors, you can recognise budgeting as a control enhancing tool. This interactive course enables you to: - Identify the impact that budgets could have on motivation and performance, Gain experience with detailed exercises. The practical hands-on exercise uses real-world examples, and they are designed to give you real-world knowledge on how to apply daily cost accounting principles. |
Business Models and Value Creations ![]() |
1 | Generate value
Business model frameworks are intended to be used at the board level to improve decision making and enhance understanding of how the business creates value. This course focusses on various types of business models that can be implemented or operationalised to generate value, including digital business models that are causing a disruption in digital ecosystems. Acquiring new skills to demonstrate your proficiency - Business models and competitive strategy Strength through core competencies This course will give you the tools to successfully strive through necessary changes to your organisation to strengthen its position. The practical hands-on exercise uses real-world examples and is designed to give you real-world knowledge to drive business success. |
Introduction to Business Valuation ![]() |
1 | Creating and managing value Financial management is fundamentally about creating and managing value, the importance of what ""value"" is, and knowing what drives it. This course focuses on commonly used approaches for arriving at values that will form the basis of negotiation. In addition to valuation methods, you will understand the importance of gathering a deep understanding of the organization's industry, technology, business environment, customers, competitors, synergies, current major stakeholders, and the rationale for selling or the reluctance to sell and how all these factors come into play when arriving at valuations. Value added topics Valuation using cash flows Advantages and disadvantages of cash-based techniques Forecast dividends without constant growth Gain experience with detailed exercises The practical hands-on exercise is designed to teach you how to value a business and get a deeper understanding of the variables in business valuation to help you make the right decisions. |
Business Valuation and Acquisitions ![]() |
1.5 | How can you add value to your business? Financial management is fundamentally about creating and managing value, the importance of what ""value"" is, and knowing what drives it. In this course, you will learn how to use financial statements to value a business, the differences between a share value and a share price, and how ""risk"" can be measured for an investment. Value added topics Earnings based valuation Asset based valuation Intangible Assets Stock market efficiency How risk influences return CAPM Gain experience with detailed exercises The practical hands-on exercises use real-world examples and are designed to give you insights into business valuation and acquisitions and to help you get a deeper understanding of the variables in business valuation to make the right decisions. |
Approach to Strategy ![]() |
1 | Learn from the inside out. Business strategy comes from internal and external forces. A formal and planned strategy approach implies that, during the analysis and evaluation of strategic options, every possible strategic option is considered. For some organisations, this is not practical, and various alternative approaches are practiced. In this course, you will learn how to set a formal strategic process as opposed to having an informal (or freewheeling) plan. Implement strategy with success. Understand emergent strategies. Use inside-out and outside-in strategies. Apply vision for a clear future. Gain competitive advantage. Ultimately, it is not the choice of strategic process or even strategic plan that is important. What is vital is that everyone within the organisation shares the same vision and goals, and that they all pull in the same direction to achieve those goals. This course will enable to you do this by giving you the tools to successfully implement strategic processes in your business model through detailed case studies and exercises. |
The Strategic Ecosystem ![]() |
1.5 | An organisation's vision and mission (which are often supported by a statement of the organizational values) underpin the development of an organisation's objectives and provide a starting point for the strategic planning process. In this course, you will learn how look inward and define the purpose of an organisation and identify the objectives that can measure its success. Make a statement: Develop a mission statement. Use financial versus nonfinancial measurements. Use Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis to plan strategy. Define different objectives such environmental and political. Direction to success In addition to vision, mission, and understanding the ecosystem are vital components when deciding the long-term goals of the organisation, and they form the foundation for the choices that need to be made later during the planning process. The use of a SWOT analysis will help you deal with the external environment. This course will give you the tools necessary to successfully define your mission and objectives in your business model for successful planning. |
Industry analysis and lifecycles ![]() |
1 | With a solid industry analysis,the business can better decide whether to enter, stay in, or leave an industry. The tools you will gain from this course will help you define where an industry is in its lifecycle, which can be used for applications such as determining the risk and reward ratio of a potential investment, or the making of strategic choices like diversification, market exit, market stimulation, and so on. Key topics Five Forces Model The Industry Lifecycle The external environment/ecosystem Gain experience with detailed exercises Using case studies, real-life scenarios, and exercises, this course gives you the necessary tools to collect and interpret data to analyse the organisational ecosystem and external environment to boost you onto the next step of your business journey. |
The Competitive Ecosystem ![]() |
1.5 | Beat the competition. Following a structured framework allows managers to collect and evaluate insights to assess the level of competitive threat to the company's short-term decisions and long-term plans. Organisations are increasingly recognising the need to specialise in their core competences and to work collaboratively to provide value to the customer to remain competitive. Key topics Network organization Business ecosystem Competitive analysis Cluster analysis Practice what you have learned. Detailed exercises and case studies will enable you to apply competitive strategies to stay ahead of the competition and deliver business success. |
Evolving the Business Ecosystem ![]() |
1.5 | Adapt and evolve.
The business ecosystem will adapt and evolve in response to changes in the wider environment. As the business environment has become more competitive, dynamic, and complex, the focus has shifted to not only identifying customers' needs and wants, but also to creating customer wants where they did not exist before. In this course, you will learn how evolving can change the business ecosystem and how to analyse customers to support your organisation's strategy. Key topics Gain experience with detailed exercises. Using case studies, real-life scenarios, and exercises, this course will give you the necessary tools to identify drivers for change in the business ecosystem and how to analyse your customer base to boost your overall success. |
Customer and Portfolio Analysis ![]() |
1 | Retain your customers
Discover the tools you need to preserve customer relationships and maintain a balanced customer portfolio for your business. Develop your skills - Customer value management cycle Gain experience with detailed exercises. The practical hands-on exercises use real-world examples and are designed to give you knowledge on how to retain customers and improve relationships. |
Product Quality and Internal Strategy ![]() |
1 | Stay ahead of the competition, Learn the typical stages a product passes through during its life cycle from development to decline. As with all strategic concepts, frameworks, and tools, it is a model and not a prediction. The concept demonstrates the different characteristics of profit and investment at each stage in a product's life.
Key topics Strength through core competencies Use case studies, exercises, and scenarios, to learn to successfully implement product strategy in your business models, aligning with your core competencies. |
Supply Chain Overview ![]() |
1 | Customers first, Understand how to apply global supply chain interactions and understand how emerging technologies can reduce errors.
Key topics Increase success through value This course will cover several supply chain topics in the global business environment. Detailed use cases include supply chain |
Introduction to Cost Accounting ![]() |
1 | What does it cost for future success?
Discover the tool that provides information on how to better understand costs in your business. Be able to make distinctions between the different types of costs and how they behave with different activity levels. You can recognize these quick cost accounting techniques as a value-added enhancing tool. Acquire new skills to demonstrate proficiency in cost accounting: - Rationales for costing Gain experience with detailed exercises. The practical hands-on exercise uses real-world examples and are designed to give you real-world knowledge on how to apply daily cost accounting principles. |
Costing Analysis ![]() |
1.5 | Standards - Easy as ABC! Activity-based costing (ABC) provides a more accurate method of product/service costing, leading to more accurate pricing decisions. It increases your understanding of overheads and cost drivers; and makes costly and non-value adding activities more visible, allowing managers to reduce or eliminate them.Acquire new skills to demonstrate your proficiency:- Standard costs - Variance analysis. - Overhead costs.Gain practical experience:The exercises use real-world examples and are designed to equip you with the skills to apply advanced costing strategies. Acquire a deeper understanding of the strategic importance of the costing analysis and finance business partnering role. |
Activity Based Costing ![]() |
1 | Learn your ABCs.
Activity- based costing (ABC) increases understanding of overheads and cost drivers; and makes costly and non-value adding activities more visible, allowing managers to reduce or eliminate them. Acquire new skills to demonstrate proficiency; - Product costs See the process in action. The practical exercises use real-life process scenarios, designed to give you the practical tools to apply activity based costing strategies. Acquire a deeper understanding of the business value of the costing analysis your finance business partnering role. |
Activity Based Methods ![]() |
1 | Improve operations.
ABC increases understanding of overheads and cost drivers and makes costly and nonvalue-adding activities more visible, allowing managers to reduce or eliminate them. Value added topics: - Direct costs Gain efficiency. This course and the process scenarios and are designed to give you the practical tools to apply activity-based methods to improve workflows and achieve favourable profit margins. Acquire a deeper understanding of the business value of the costing analysis and your finance business partnering role. |
Distribution Channels ![]() |
1 | Don't turn off the channels.
More than ever before, efficient distribution is an integral part of business and is essential to an organization's success and customer satisfaction. If products are not getting to your customers, there's a risk to your success. How does distribution affect your role? This course will enable you to apply global distribution interactions and understand how channel management can reduce errors and increase productivity to deliver customer satisfaction. Apply channel strategy. The practical exercise uses real-world examples, designed to give you the knowledge on how to deliver customer satisfaction by getting products to them more efficiently. Acquire a deeper understanding of the strategic importance of distribution in your finance business partnering role. |
Value Analysis ![]() |
1 | "Customers first"
Traditionally, management accounting has focussed on reducing costs. However, there's also an approach that considers the potential effect of cost reductions on customer satisfaction. How does value analysis affect your role? You must be able to analyse techniques for driving profitability while delivering a value to the customer.? Function and succeed. This course will enable you to apply functional analysis to products to optimise the balance between product functions, the perceived value to the customer, and cost. Acquire a deeper understanding of the value analysis importance of the marketing and finance business partnering role. |
Quality Management ![]() |
1 | "Get it right the first time."
Instilling a culture that strives for zero defects is fundamental to TQM. You will find scenarios that will help you implement practices to help your organisation because the costs of correction are often much higher than the costs of prevention. How does quality affect your role? You should continuously review processes and identify me. Put theory into practice. The course will enable you to apply TQM and business process improvement throughout your entire organisation, allowing you to ensure that errors are prevented before they occur with an emphasis on "total quality" where products and services are designed. Acquire a deeper understanding of the TQM importance to your finance business partnering role. |
Costing Strategies ![]() |
1 | Hit your targets!
You will learn market-driven approaches that involve you analysing your organisation's customers and determining a pricing strategy that delivers your profit goals. Acquire new skills to demonstrate proficiency. - Target costing Put your learning into practice. This course includes detailed exercises and calculations to help you apply costing strategies and the techniques for continues improvement. Acquire a deeper understanding of the strategic importance of the costing strategies in relation to your finance business partnering role. |
Capital Structures ![]() |
1.5 | Capital structures, Identify factors that should be considered when deciding on the most appropriate capital structure for an organisation including practical considerations and capital structure theories. Learn the tools on where and how organisations gain access to funds and the factors that are considered when making funding choices that will change the capital structure. Acquire new skills to demonstrate your proficiency: Modigliani and Miller's Theory Equations used to calculate the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) Capital structure and its effect on financial statements and ratios Capital Structure in group entities Different theoretical views of dividend policy Gain practical experience Use genuine examples to learn how to apply capital structures to your work. |
Equity Financing Fundamentals ![]() |
1.5 | Equity financing: What it is, and how to get it?
Discover business valuation in circumstances other than mergers and acquisitions, explore various equity financing methods, and analyze use of rights issues raise equity finance. Value added topics: Learn through detailed exercises. |
Strategic Importance of Digital Transformation and Underpinning Technologies ![]() |
1 | Designed for the busy finance leader, this course provides you with the tools to determine a vision and strategy for digital transformation and how to apply best practices to lead digital transformation initiatives. |
Financial Risks ![]() |
1 | Financial risk
All businesses operate surrounded by financial risks. Some have greater exposure than others, either because of the industry in which they operate or the countries in which the operate or with which they conduct trade. Learn to quantify the likelihood and impact of financial risks on your organisation. Demonstrate proficiency in growing areas of demand Gain practical experience |
Currency Risk Management ![]() |
1 | Minimise the effect of fluctuations in the value of assets and liabilities
Exchange rates between most pairs of currency change constantly throughout the day. Gain the skills to hedge the risk of fluctuation in the ultimate value of expected transactions. Acquire new skills to demonstrate your proficiency Gain practical experience |
Interest Rate Risk Management ![]() |
1.5 | Interest rate risk management
This course introduces various risk management techniques that companies can use to minimise the financial impact of interest rate movements. In addition, it specifically focusses on the upside risk of interest rate movements and the techniques that allow companies to participate in the gain and minimise the downside risk. Value added topics: Learn through detailed exercises. |
Consolidated Financial Reporting ![]() |
2 | Consolidated Financial Reporting
Consolidated financial statements present the financial position of a parent and its subsidiaries as if the consolidated group were a single economic entity. This course provides an overview of the basics of consolidation when the parent owns less than 100% of the equity shares of the subsidiary. Managers should recognize the relevant accounting adjustments to prepare a CSPLOCI and CSOFP. Value added topics Gain practical experience. The practical hands-on exercises use real-world examples such as case studies and scenarios and are designed to give you the skills to evaluate business performance and get a deeper understanding of various ways to improve the business performance and align with organization goals. This consolidated financial reporting topic can assist the decision-making process by focusing on the appropriate consolidation adjustments to remain a long-term, viable going concern. |
Consolidated Financial Reporting II ![]() |
1 | Preparing the consolidated financial statements
Consolidated financial statements are of primary importance to shareholders to review the results of an entire group of commonly-owned businesses. Learn to prepare and present the statement of changes in equity, as well as the statement of cash flows for a group. Understand different scenarios in the consolidation process. Acquire new skills to demonstrate your proficiency Gain practical experience Use case studies and scenarios to evaluate business performance and get a deeper understanding of various ways to improve the business performance and align with organisation goals. This consolidated financial reporting topic can assist the decision-making process by focussing on the appropriate consolidation adjustments to remain a long-term, viable going concern. |
Foreign Transactions and Operations ![]() |
1 | Effect of changes in foreign exchange rates
Learn to identify the appropriate currency in which to present the financial statements and how an entity accounts for transactions that arise in a currency other than its own. Acquire new skills to demonstrate your proficiency Gain practical experience Use genuine examples that are designed to give you real-world knowledge on how to handle exchange rate differences to translate financial statements from its functional currency to the presentation currency. |
Multi-Tier Group Structures ![]() |
1 | Understand complex group structure
Explore complex group structure beyond the "basic" consolidation, since many parent companies achieve their revenue targets through indirect investment via an existing or acquired subsidiary. This complex group structure includes vertical group and mixed group. Learn how parent entities should account for subsidiaries, associates, and joint ventures in their individual financial statements. Acquire new skills to demonstrate your proficiency - Mixed group structures Gain practical experience Use real-world examples such as case studies and scenarios, designed to give you the skills to evaluate business performance and get a deeper understanding of various ways to improve the business performance and align with organisation goals. |
Introduction to Long-Term Finance ![]() |
1 | Long-term finance is required to meet the long-term investment plans of an organisation to be able to operate over time. Gain the knowledge of different long-term financing options available through this course.
Acquire new skills to demonstrate your proficiency - Foreign currency transactions Gain practical experience The practical hands-on exercise uses real-world examples, designed to give accounting and finance professionals real-world knowledge and an understanding of how long-term financing operates. |
Capital Markets Fundamentals ![]() |
1.5 | Understand capital market fundamentals,
- Focus on a comprehensive overview of equity finance and debt finance content. Acquire new skills to demonstrate your proficiency Gain practical experience |
Corporate Finance - Cost of Capital ![]() |
1 | Corporate finance essentials
The cost of capital represents a hurdle rate that an organisation must overcome before it can generate value, and it is used extensively in the capital budgeting process. Understand the framework, concepts, and tools for analysing financial decisions based on main types of finance. With this course you will: - Learn to calculate the cost of equity finance, considering different expectations of dividend growth. Acquire new skills to demonstrate your proficiency - Dividend valuation model and estimating growth Gain practical experience Use case studies and scenarios to evaluate business performance and make business decisions based on the cost of capital calculation. |
Managing Business Risks ![]() |
1 | Manage risks and promote success.
You will learn vital information to successfully implement risk management systems and gain a clear understanding of varying risk categories and their possible outcomes. Acquire new skills to demonstrate your proficiency: - Business risks Gain practical experience. The exercises use real-world examples and are designed to equip you with skills to apply risk-mitigation strategies. You will acquire a deeper understanding of business risks and the strategic importance of the finance professional's role. |
Risk Management and Information Systems ![]() |
1 | Information doesn't have to be risky.
Gain an understanding of the risk categories and the planning of future events related to these. This information is vital to the implementation of successful risk management systems. Acquire new skills to demonstrate proficiency; - Ethical considerations Put theory into practice. The practical exercises use real-world examples and are designed to give you the tools to use information to achieve strategic importance and comply with global regulations and standards. Acquire a deeper understanding of the strategic importance of the business risks and your role as a finance business partner. |
Managing Risk Analytics ![]() |
1 | Big data and big solutions
Are you new to big data? Don't fear. You can learn how to systematically extract information and/or analyze data sets that are too large or too complex for traditional software. Acquire new skills to demonstrate your proficiency; - Decision models Take action The real-world examples and exercises are designed to equip you with the skills to make informed decisions. |
Risk, Theories, and Application ![]() |
1 | Create success through probability. Methodologies such the TARA framework and Bayes Theorem are approaches for prioritising and sharing information about the security risks posed to a company. Although past performance is no guarantee of a future outcome, it's a strong benchmark to base your decisions on. Acquire new skills to illustrate proficiency in growing areas of demand: TARA framework Bayes Theorem Risk uncertainty Don't be constrained. No two organizations face the exact same risks and uncertainties; So, in this course, you'll learn how management expertise and experience are key to developing and adjusting appropriate strategies to manage the risks and uncertainties. The course exercises will give you the tools determine the internal constraints that affect the interpretation of financial statement ratios. |
Working Capital Management ![]() |
2 | Working Capital Management — Impact on operating and cash cycles
Learn how managing working capital successfully enables you to distinguish different types and sources of short-term financing. How you manage capital can be critical to your organisation’s profitability. Understand business working capital cycles and how to calculate and interpret the key working capital ratios that relate to cash. - Learn about the main types of short-term financing that an organisation might use and how to choose the most appropriate. Acquire new skills to demonstrate your proficiency - Short-term financing categories Gain practical experience Use case studies and scenarios to evaluate business performance and get a deeper understanding of various ways to improve business performance and align with organisational goals. |
Improving Organisational Performance ![]() |
1 | Achieving performance improvement in your organization
With this course, you'll learn "beyond budgeting" as an alternative option to traditional budgeting, apply key financial metrics in analysing business and strategic decisions, and use benchmarking to add dimension to the financial analysis. Value added topics - Principles of beyond budgeting Strength through detailed exercises The practical hands-on exercises use real-world examples such as case studies and scenarios and are designed to give you the skills to evaluate business performance and get a deeper understanding of various ways to improve the business performance and align with organization goals. |
Transfer Pricing ![]() |
2 | Transform your organisation
Designed for business and finance professionals, this course will teach you to evaluate different scenarios around transfer pricing, what factors you need to consider for divisional and group profitability, and the impact this may have on your business. Also, learn how the type of external market helps to determine the value of the opportunity cost as a result of transferring internally rather than selling to that external market. Acquire new skills to demonstrate your proficiency. - Transfer pricing systems Gain experience with detailed exercises. This course will give you the tools to successfully drive changes in your organisation to strengthen its financial position and generate profit. The practical hands-on exercise uses real-world examples designed to give you the knowledge to drive business success. |
Investment Decisions Fundamentals ![]() |
1 | Establish the business case. Investment decisions require planning and extensive evaluation. Consideration has to be given for cash flows as well as nonfinancial measures such as customer satisfaction and qualify. Acquire new skills to illustrate proficiency in growing areas of demand. Investment decisions Cash flows Non-financial measures Finance and quality Real-world examples and exercises will give you the background on how to apply investment decisions while considering both quantitative and qualitative measures. You will learn how to stay on top of investment decisions while building your competencies in critical areas including quality, influencing, and customer service. |
Capital Planning Applications ![]() |
1.5 | Valuable tools in perpetuity
Gain the skills used by the finance function for project appraisal, investments analysis, and capital planning. See use cases on finding the relevant costs and benefits for a potential capital investment project. Learn new topics to demonstrate proficiency. - Annuities Put theory into practice. Real-world exercises will give you the confidence in applying investment decisions while considering all company objectives. Some capital investment projects continue over a significant number of years or may even have cash flows that occur indefinitely. This course will provide you with the tools to evaluate all options for continued growth and success. |
Investment Theory ![]() |
1 | Present value for future success. Investment decisions require planning and extensive evaluation. There are many investment appraisal techniques that can be applied to determine which potential investment project should be undertaken. In this course, you will learn key financial techniques the help your business grow and increase value. Learn new topics to demonstrate proficiency. Net present value Project considerations. Profitability index Lifetime investment Real-world examples and exercises will give you the knowledge to apply investment decisions while considering competing projects. This course will give you the tools to determine the best investment options for your business. |
Pricing Strategies ![]() |
1.5 | Is the price right? Pricing should be in line with the key objectives of your company (for example, profit maximisation, achieving a percentage of the market share, or maintaining a reputation as a high-quality supplier). Understand strategies that set the most appropriate price for a new product or service entering the market. Acquire new skills to demonstrate proficiency. Principles of pricing and strategies Elasticity of demand Cost versus market strategy Finish first! Real world calculation exercises will give you the confidence in applying pricing decisions while considering all company objectives. |
Principles of Taxation ![]() |
1 | Prepare for principles of taxation Understand the general principles of taxation, the concept, sources, and systems. Be prepared to advise about tax policy issues or manage tax administration. Understand the complicated sources of tax law and the ways that specific tax rules vary across the many different taxing jurisdictions. Then, learn the common principles that exist in the types of direct and indirect taxes imposed and in the methodology behind corporate and individual tax systems. Understand the differentiating characteristics of common tax systems and their importance to the finance function to that leadership is aware of tax consequences. Acquire new skills to demonstrate your proficiency Three major principles for a good tax policy Source of tax rules that influence a tax system Tax rate structure Direct tax versus indirect tax Corporate tax versus personal tax Administration of a tax system Gain practical experience Use case studies and scenarios to evaluate business performance and get a deeper understanding of various ways to improve the business performance and align with organisation goals. |
Regulatory Environment ![]() |
1.5 | The need for financial reporting
The regulatory environment drives an entity's financial reporting and external audit requirements. Finance professionals in management accounting should gain a full understanding of the regulatory environment in which their organisation operates and how to apply the requirements of laws, standards, and guidelines. Acquire new skills to demonstrate your proficiency - Elements of a regulatory environment and framework Gain practical experience The exercises use genuine examples and are designed to give you real-world knowledge on how to apply daily accounting principles. Acquire a deeper understanding of the strategic importance of the regulatory environment and the need for financial reporting. |
Growth Strategies ![]() |
1.5 | In this course, you will learn how to develop clear messaging about your firm's services, the essential ingredients you need for effective digital marketing, and how to turn leads into clients. |
New Market Growth Strategies ![]() |
1.5 | Apply growth strategies on new market opportunities.
Organisations try to stay successful in expansion of operations. To do this, business models must adapt as part of the business growth strategy. In this course, you will learn how to use Porter's diamond models to analyse global growth strategies and select the best action plan to implement them. This course will enable you to do the following: Understand how to support business expansion. This course will give you the tools to successfully implement strategic decisions in your business model. Through a deep exploration of case studies, you will understand the tailored business growth strategies needed for success. |
Corporate social responsibility ![]() |
1 | Good corporation, bad corporation: Corporate social responsibility. This course introduces rationale behind CSR and models for sustainable development. It also examines the role of CSR in the value chain as a strategy to improve productivity of corporations. By focussing on risks and decision making, you can recognise the links between the CSR and the well-being of a community/society. Value added topics: Understanding of models for CSR and sustainable development Insight on the impact and importance of integrating CSR in the value chain Gain practical experience. The hands-on exercise uses real-world examples and is designed to equip you with the skills to Recognise CSR and sustainability development and acquire a deeper understanding of CSR and integrate it into the value chain. |
Introduction to Strategy Implementation ![]() |
1 | Sharpen your strategic planning
Gain the tools to identify how the strategy implementation phase fits into the overall strategic management process. Learn how a change in strategy requires a realignment of an organisation’s structure, people, systems, processes, along with the different methods that can be used to aid the alignment between strategy and organisation. Acquire new skills to demonstrate your proficiency - Implement, review, and control strategy Develop strength through core competencies Successfully implement strategy and align your organisations resources to strengthen the process. Use real-world examples to drive your business success. |
Performance Measurement Strategies ![]() |
1 | Clear vision to success, Learn how successful, sustainable organisations invest in creating vision and mission statements and clearly articulate their core values. Those statements support the strategic plan and related initiatives. The process of setting good targets, defining critical success factors (CSFs), and setting key performance indicators (KPIs) is essential to keeping an organisation focussed on actions that will drive successful implementation of the strategic plan. Key topics Financial measure Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats (SWOT) Analysis Non-financial measures KPIs Strength through measurements Use case studies, exercises, and scenarios to learn to successfully implement strategy using KPIs and SWOT analysis in your business models and aligning with your goals. |
Rewards Inside and Out ![]() |
1 | Maintain balance
To ensure that organisations meet stakeholder expectations, a range of performance measures must be considered over and above the normal financial measures. Learn how the balanced scorecard can be used to aid this process. It contains four perspectives--financial perspective, customer perspective, internal business process perspective, and learning and growth perspective. In terms of human capital, learn more about key internal incentives to help employee motivation to drive organisational success. Key topics - Balanced scorecard Successful application Using case studies, exercises, and scenarios, you will have the skills you need to implement strategy using the balance scorecard as well as the right incentives for employees. |
Change management models ![]() |
1 | Evolve through change. Change, just like any activity, whether it is incremental or transformational, needs management and proper leadership. Change process models provide a simple, linear expression of the stages of the change process. This course looks at how culture can have an influence on what we should be changing, as well as how we go about making changes. Acquiring new skills to demonstrate your proficiency Change management process Leadership styles and charge roles Force field analysis Strength through core competencies Learn to successfully drive changes to your organisation to strengthen its position. The practical hands-on exercise uses real-world examples to enable you to drive business success. |
Strategic risk applications ![]() |
1 | Be ready for the new value creation game Learn strategies to achieve value creation for your organisation. In a dynamic market, understanding the critical elements of ecosystems, analysing how the elements interact, and utilising the CGMA business model framework will create and deliver values. Learn how strategic planning focusses on various planning frameworks to help develop organisations' action plans to achieve their goals. Value add topics Organisations' ecosystems Porter's Five Forces The political, economic, social, technology, environment, and legal (PESTLE) framework CGMA business model framework. Gain practical experience The exercises use real-world examples and are designed to equip you with the skills to evaluate business performance. Acquire a deeper understanding of the business modeling implications of your business. |
Risk scenarios ![]() |
1.5 | Reputation is key Damage to reputation can occur even if negative publicity is untrue. It can be tarnished by association with another organisation, or a negative social media post can have a large and unexpected impact. This creates a situation in which reputation is affected by factors outside the organisation's control, which makes it a more difficult risk to manage. Learn new topics to demonstrate proficiency in growing areas of demand Governance Reputational risks Risk uncertainty Board roles Govern with confidence An organisation needs to deal with numerous risks, from lack of leadership and board skills, risk blindness, inadequate information to and from the board, through to complexity and problems in the control environment. The course exercises will give you the tools determine the risk faced internal constraints that affect the overall strategy. |
Relevant Cost for Short-Term Decision Making ![]() |
1 | Short-term decision-making is vital in any business. This course introduces several techniques used for short-term decision-making as well as relevant costs and revenues for decision-making. By identifying the optimal production plan when resources are limited, you can determine the most effective course of action that will drive company flexibility and success. Value added topics: Factors for short-term decision-making Relevant cost and revenue Product mix decisions Gain practical experience. The exercises use real-world examples and are designed to equip you with the skills you need to apply advanced costing strategies and acquire a deeper understanding of the decision-making process to assist financial reporting and control. |
Decision Making Under Risk and Uncertainty ![]() |
1.5 | Costs shouldn't manage you. This course will give you the tools to make decisions that improve financial performance. By focussing on cost-volume-profit analysis, and using factors and techniques to improve short-term decision-making during times of uncertainty, you can develop a cost accounting framework to make effective decisions in today's fast-paced business environment. Value added topics: Relevant costs for short-term pricing decisions. Breakeven analysis. Risk and uncertainty. Gain practical experience. The hands-on exercise uses real-world examples to enable you to apply cost accounting tools and acquire a deeper understanding of the essential skills of effective decision-making and how risk and uncertainty can be built in. |
Ratios and Interpretation ![]() |
1 | Interpret financial ratios. A company's financial performance can be assessed through ratio analysis. Once financial ratios have been calculated, interpret to ascertain if they are in line with targets, benchmarks, and expectations. Be aware of and responsive to the internal and external constraints to improve performance. Recognise the potential limitations of financial statement analysis to avoid productivity pitfalls. Acquire new skills to demonstrate your proficiency: Financial statement analysis and the business model Common internal and external constraints Limitations of financial reporting information Limitations of ratio analysis Gain practical experience Use genuine examples such as case studies and scenarios to give you the skills to evaluate business performance and get a deeper understanding of various ways to improve business performance and align with organisation goals. Financial statement analysis can assist the decision-making process by focussing on the key indicators to remain a long-term, viable going concern. |
Financial Policies and Shareholder Wealth Maximization ![]() |
2 | Maximise shareholder wealth. This course explores how to analyse financial and nonfinancial objectives and evaluate external influences on financial policy decisions in different types of organisations. When business owners understand the impact of external forces on financial strategies, the organisation can optimise its performance and maximise shareholder wealth. Value added topics: Legal ownership structures Categories of financial objectives Categories of nonfinancial objectives Social and relationship capital Other sustainability frameworks and models External influences on financial policy Learn through detailed exercises. The practical hands-on exercises use real-world examples such as case studies and scenarios, designed to give you the skills to evaluate business performance and gain a deeper understanding of various ways to improve business performance and align with organisation goals. |
Structuring Debt Instruments ![]() |
1 | Improvement your organisation's performance. This course provides guidance on how bonds are issued through the capital - markets and through private placements, the role that advisers and underwriters play in the process, the determination of a borrower's credit worthiness, and tax considerations in the selection of debt instruments. Specifically, the debt covenants topic explores the importance and types of debt covenants. Value added topics: Key characteristics of bonds Bond issues through capital markets and private placements Impact of credit worthiness on debt financing Tax considerations for debt finance Debt covenant types and related financial ratios Debt covenant violations Learn through detailed exercises. The practical hands-on exercises use real-world examples such as case studies and scenarios, designed to give you the skills to evaluate business performance. Gain a deeper understanding of various ways to improve the business performance and align with organisation goals." |
Cost Accounting Applications ![]() |
1 | Costs shouldn't manage you. You will learn how to provide key data to managers for planning and controlling, as well as data on costing products, services, and customers. By focussing on analyses, uses, and procedures instead of procedures alone, you can recognize cost accounting as a value-added customer enhancing tool. Acquire new skills to demonstrate your proficiency: Manufacturing and nonmanufacturing costs Direct or indirect costs Overhead costs Gain practical experience. The exercises use genuine examples and are designed to give you real-world knowledge on how to apply daily cost accounting principles. Acquire a deeper understanding of the strategic importance of the cost accounting application and finance business partnering role. |
Business Models and Ecosystems ![]() |
1 | Be ready for the new value creation game. Learn strategies to achieve value creation for your organisation. In a dynamic market, understanding the critical elements of ecosystems, analysing how the elements interact, and utilising the CGMA business model framework will create and deliver values. Learn how strategic planning focusses on various planning frameworks to help develop organisations' action plans to achieve their goals. Value add topics Organisations' ecosystems Porter's Five Forces The political, economic, social, technology, environment, and legal (PESTLE) framework CGMA business model framework. Gain practical experience The exercises use real-world examples and are designed to equip you with the skills to evaluate business performance. Acquire a deeper understanding of the business modeling implications of your business. |
Public Distrust in Business ![]() |
1.5 | Counter the erosion of trust Find ways to create a culture of trust and rebuild where it has eroded, because distrust is bad for business. Learn how to grow and maintain business relationships, which is crucial to realize your business’s full potential. Recognize red flags regarding trust and reputation, and learn whether the culture of your organization is at risk, which could ultimately endanger its effective functioning. Dealing with trust in tumultuous times Discover questions to consider for future conversations about business changes to help strengthen trust in a crisis and tips on how to repair trust. Drive performance and success Learn about initiatives to build trust with specific stakeholders, which will help drive success. Using up-to-date research and examples, uncover how to build long-term value for your business. |
Decision Making Analytics![]() |
1 | Grow your decision tree. Decision analytics help you evaluate your options. A decision tree is an excellent tool that allows you to lay out options and investigate the possible outcomes to then objectively choose your course of?action. Along with value and sensitivity analysis, you will have the tools to make an impact. Tools that demonstrate proficiency in decision-making: Decision trees Information value Sensitivity analysis, The course offers real-life examples for you to practice and gain confidence in applying the decision-making tools at your company. |
Communications & Marketing
Course Title | Credits | Description |
Smarter Decision-making ![]() |
1 | Leaders fail because of bad decision-making. Business professionals need to be able to respond to today's rapidly changing business environment by making quick and smart decisions. This course will help you understand and build decision-making. |
Presenting Financial Information ![]() |
1 | Have you ever presented financial information to a group of non-financial people only to get the glazed-over and under-whelmed look from your audience? Presenting numbers is difficult -how can you get past that?
In this course, you’ll learn general tips, common mistakes, and ways to improve your financial presentations. |
Powerful Presentation Skills ![]() |
1 | America’s greatest anxiety, public speaking, is a necessity in today’s business world. Those who can speak in front of crowds and have effective presentational skills tend to move up the corporate ladder more swiftly. Discover how to stand in front of an audience, project confidence, and knowledge, all the while making a connection and capturing your audience’s imagination to be powerful and persuasive. |
Masterful Marketing ![]() |
1 | You have developed strong technical expertise but what about those skills necessary to grow and expand your business? This module will discuss various methods of lead generation, investing in your people, the importance of branding, and the use of social media. |
Listening For Leaders ![]() |
1 | There is a big difference between hearing and listening. Listening is harder than you think. It’s not about you, it’s about the audience about the person you're talking to. Listening is about setting aside our issues, our concerns, our biases, and our judgment so that we can truly listen to what someone else is saying. |
Excellent Customer Service ![]() |
1 | What does excellent customer service mean to you? Discuss the importance and skills needed to provide excellent customer service to both your internal and external customers. |
Emotional Intelligence ![]() |
1 | Life happens and most of us bring our feelings to work. We need to understand how we react and how we deal with our own emotions. Emotional intelligence in the workplace is about understanding how you affect others and how others affect you. |
Communicating For Connections With Coworkers, Clients, And Customers Emotional Intelligence ![]() |
1 | How you communicate with your clients can make or break your career! We all know how to talk, but how do we make sure we are really connecting with others? This course will discuss different personality styles and demonstrate the different ways to communicate information to them. See how recognizing their personality style(s) can turn communication breakdowns into breakthroughs. |
Building a Stronger Professional Network ![]() |
1 | Networking is one of the most powerful tools accountants can develop, but it takes time, energy, and commitment in order to build a strong network. Having a strong network will assist you in launching a new idea or plan, developing new business and clients, reducing costs in recruiting, and leveraging your career. |
Financial Storytelling: The Key in Growing Your Organization to the Next Level ![]() |
2 | Are you responsible for presenting financial information to your organization, business associates, or clients? If you’re a CEO, CFO, CPA, financial analyst, or a manager needing to communicate financial information in an impactful way, this workshop will give you the necessary tools to tell more effective stories with your financial data. It is imperative in this fast-paced business environment that accountants gain a high-level understanding of the technology advances to help them focus their time on finding the story behind the numbers. Bring financial information to life and use it to communicate a story to an audience, with a focus on simplicity and ease of interpretation. This is accomplished through a mix of financial data, visualization, storytelling theory, best practices, and practical application. (Available in 1-4 hour format) |
Four Personality Styles in the Workplace ![]() |
1 | This CPE course is designed to help you understand and appreciate the differences between the different personality styles. You’ll learn how to effectively hire and develop employees based on their strengths, weaknesses, wants, and needs. |
Next Steps Series – Client Needs: Beyond Best Practices in Client and Customer Service ![]() |
1 | Customer Service is moving to Customer Experience, and modern firms must keep up with their clients, or fail at sustainability. Learn to compete when will be measured by value, contribution, impact and sustainability. |
Ethics – Behavioral
Course Title | Credits | Description |
Ethics: Avoiding the Slippery Slope of Ethical Pressures ![]() |
4 | You may want to be on the nightly news, but not for an egregious breach of ethics. You may be saying, "that will never happen to me."; And those were the words spoken by Wells Fargo, United Airlines, Senator Al Franken, and Steve Wynn. Sadly, a claim of an ethical failure stays in the news for almost 5 years. Long enough to damage your reputation and lower your profitability. An ethical climate needs constant care and feeding to be maintained. In this lively and thought provoking session, we will discuss why ethics is both complicated and difficult, how to prevent employees (and you) from taking the first step down a slippery slope, and walk through a six-step process for creating an ethical culture. |
Ethics: Accounting Firm Cases ![]() |
1 | While ethics training is required by many professions, the true value of the CPA license is in understanding how critically important ethical conduct is to one another and the public. This course will focus on public accounting-specific ethics issues, with a special focus on recent disciplinary actions, as well as a public accountant's responsibilities as defined in the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct. |
Tipping the Delicate Balance of Leadership and Ethics ![]() |
4 | In today's complicated world, CPAs carry an increasing burden of public trust. As in the past, they are expected to give sound, ethical advice on accounting matters. Yet, what used to be an end is now just a beginning. The press, the government, business leaders and others look to CPAs to bring judgment, honesty, clarity and transparency to many murky issues. This course goes beyond just "the rules" to discuss broader and deeper issues affecting the profession and your role in it. |
A Different Look at Ethical Decision-Making ![]() |
2 | What was he thinking? Have you ever wondered that in the wake of an ethical breech by a previously respected person often, the unethical action is hard to believe much less explain because the conditions that contribute to unethical behavior are far from clear. These subtle factors are the "danger zones" that ethical practitioners - and especially leaders - need to recognize in themselves, their firms and their clients. This course explores the tangled paths to ethical problems. It is designed to sensitize you to the subtle traps and to suggest strategies to avoid or extricate yourself from them - whether they are internal, cultural, organizational or societal. The course is taught by, a BLI Senior Fellow, marketing consultant, and a faculty member at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. |
Management Services
Course Title | Credits | Description |
Risk Management ![]() |
1 | Do you know if your organization is risk-averse or risk aggressive? This course will define risk management and discuss the types of risk and risk management processes. |
Project Management ![]() |
1 | Project management is a results-focused concept that needs to be in the accountants’ toolbox. For CPAs in public accounting, every engagement, tax return audit and SOC report is a project. For CPAs in finance, your month in close, and fraud and risk assessment are projects. This course will discuss the project management process from building a business case and planning, to execution and managing your team. |
Preventing and Detecting Fraud ![]() |
1 | Fraud costs US companies $400 billion annually. Do you know where the fraud is in your organization? Don’t let your company continue to be a victim. |
Business Process Improvement ![]() |
1 | Have you ever tried to improve a business process only to be told: “that’s the way we’ve always done it”? This course will discuss ways to improve your business processes to make them more efficient and better for your organization and customer. |
Balanced Scorecard![]() |
1 | Balanced Scorecard is a performance measurement framework that added strategic non-financial performance measures to traditional financial metrics to give managers and executives a more balanced view of organizational performance. |
Risk Is Increasing --- and Risk Management Is Evolving ![]() |
1 | Explore Risk Management Techniques and tools Explore techniques and tools to assist in risk management. Using value stream and plus/delta techniques, understand the value ofemploying known and tested tools to risk management. Learn to use a risk readiness assessment to identify the organization's currentstate regarding risk management. Break down silos Understand how a key to an effective risk management process is to move itfrom the historic silo-based approach to an enterprise perspective. Identify certain trends that increase risk for organizations including technology,cyber risks, business models, and more. Core activity Understand the importance of making risk management a core activity so that companies are prepared in in the event of black swan occurrences such as the COVID-19 pandemic. |
How Culture Affects Risks ![]() |
1 | Familiarity with enterprise risk managment concepts and best practices. |
Personal Development
Course Title | Credits | Description |
Development: Moving From Employee to Manager to Leader ![]() |
1 | First-time supervisors face unique challenges as they transition to management. They must supervise work with which they may be unfamiliar, and supervise employees with whom they had previously been co-workers or employees with greater seniority. They must understand the extent of responsibility and decision-making authority they have, finding ways to communicate expectations to their employees and making possibly unpopular decisions. Excellence in technical or financial skills does not automatically translate to excellence in leading and supervising others.This course will give new supervisors, managers, and leaders the skills and understanding needed to successfully navigate the transition. |
Teamwork And High-performance Teams ![]() |
1 | Did you know that the core principles of improvisation are the same core principles in efficient, effective, and productive teams? This course will discuss the skills and principles that are used in building successful teams, including trust, respect, support, adaptation, listening, and communication. |
Strategy for Success ![]() |
1 | Does your firm or organization know why it does what it does? Do you have a mission statement? This course will help you identify the importance of why an organization should know its “Why,” how to use backcasting as a strategic planning tool and understand the most important thing about a mission statement. |
Latest in Leadership ![]() |
1 | We can all list a variety of leadership skills but how do you develop them into your own leadership style? This program will explore leadership through a different lens by evaluating your leadership style and how to capitalize on your own personal strengths. |
Creativity and Innovation ![]() |
1 | This course will demonstrate proven methods that CPAs and other business professionals can use to unlock their creativity and innovation. You will discover new ways to break through mental barriers, SALY thinking, and roadblocks in order to improve performance, creative thinking, and innovation. |
The Future-ready Finance & Accounting Professional - Welcome to the Fast Future ![]() |
1 | Recent research from the AICPA says that the business environment for CPAs and their clients will be characterized by “unprecedented, massive and highly accelerated change” through 2025. To thrive in this new age of hyper-change and growing uncertainty, it is now imperative to learn a new competency–how to accurately anticipate the future. This session will show how to anticipate these trends and move from being a crisis manager to an opportunity manager. At the end of the session, participants will set actionable steps to elevate and accelerate their organization’s strategy. |
From Financial Expert to Strategic Business Leader: Leader Evolution ![]() |
1 | Many leaders in finance and accounting organizations describe their passage from technical expert to financial leadership positions as a modern-day version of trial by ordeal. It’s sink or swim. The good news -there is a better way. Leaders development through a set of clearly defined stages that require different ways of thinking, different perspectives, and new skills. This workshop lays out the roadmap for professional development that applies to every CPA and finance and accounting professional that wants to advance their career and create a favorable impact on the organization.Note: This is available in a 2-hour on-demand format |
The Strategic Finance Department – 15 New Roles ![]() |
2 | The world has changed, but has your finance department changed with it or are they doing the same things the same way they always have? Being technically competent is no longer enough; you have to be able to connect with people throughout your organization. In this session, we will cover definition and characteristics of strategic leadership. We will review 15 roles to enhance: your position in the organization, your interactions with other departments, and your strategic role in your organization. These strategic roles will help move you and your department into the future; go from being a disliked cost center to an appreciated, value-adding resource within your organization.
This course is designed to build on what you are already doing right and add specific steps you can implement immediately to have a positive impact on your organization's future. |
The Path to Creating Work-Life Harmony ![]() |
1 | The world has changed, but has your finance department changed with it or are they doing the same things the same way they always have? Being technically competent is no longer enough; you have to be able to connect with people throughout your organization. In this session, we will cover definition and characteristics of strategic leadership. We will review 15 roles to enhance: your position in the organization, your interactions with other departments, and your strategic role in your organization. These strategic roles will help move you and your department into the future; go from being a disliked cost center to an appreciated, value-adding resource within your organization. This course is designed to build on what you are already doing right and add specific steps you can implement immediately to have a positive impact on your organization's future. |
How to Lead, Coach, and Develop a Winning Team ![]() |
2 | Great leaders are great coaches and teachers. They see the development of talent as THE job, not just another duty. They focus on creating the conditions for success for their team and master the techniques of motivation, communication, and delegation. Winning? That's successful execution, the result of a well-coached team with clear assignments, clear expectations, and aligned activities . This course defines the fundamentals for effective teamwork and describes a process for on-going talent development. |
Coaching vs. Mentoring ![]() |
2.5 | Coaching and mentoring are often misunderstood. This self-study online course explains the differences, so you can improve performance and help colleagues and peers develop their skills. |
Leading vs. Managing ![]() |
2.5 | Improve your leadership and management skills.
When is it appropriate to manage and when is it appropriate to lead? You could be asked to both on any given day. This self-study online course explains the differences and why it matters. |
Managing Change ![]() |
1 | Make change initiatives stick.
An estimated 80% of organizational change initiatives fail − this course can help you beat the odds. By showing you how to employ the appropriate tools and techniques to proactively manage change, you can significantly increase your chances of success. This CPE self-study course will provide you with the practical tools and techniques − including the Positive Change framework − to successfully lead individuals through organizational changes, mitigate resistance, and achieve sustainable results. |
Critical Thinking Skills ![]() |
1 | Make better decisions by enhancing your critical thinking skills.
Critical thinking is an essential element of the professional accountant's toolkit – no matter the role you hold. It's an invaluable life skill which you can apply anywhere, provided you do it in the right way and at the right time. This CPE self-study course will provide you with the essential information to enhance your critical thinking skills, so you can diagnose problems, make better decisions, identify effective solutions, and become aware of the consequences of your actions. |
Time Management tips for time crunched professionals ![]() |
1 | Reclaim your schedule and thrive.
If you've ever wondered "Where did my day go?" this course is for you. In an increasing busy world, the ability to plan and prioritize, overcome procrastination, and deal with interruptions is an essential business skill — no matter what your role. This CPE self−study course will provide you with practical time management tools and tips, so that you can reclaim your schedule, meet your objectives, feel more in control, and have less stress. |
Personnel/Human Resources
Course Title | Credits | Description |
The Next Generation: A Different Take on the Generations ![]() |
1 | With rapidly shifting demographics, the very nature of the Human Capital we depend on is shifting. Most “Generational” discussions focus on the differences of discrete groups within our population, and the result can be somewhat divisive. This program has a different focus – a more inclusive look at the generations, with a focus on communication methods to bridge the gaps. With the overall size of the millennial cohort in the workforce, this presentation spends a majority of its time on communicating with Millennials. |
Motivating the Next Workforce ![]() |
1 | Productivity. Low turnover. High-performance culture. None of these buzzwords work if the organization’s engagement process is broken and people are underperforming. It’s time to look beyond the “buzzwords” and truly rethink motivation and performance management instead of tweaking “business as usual”.Good performers can become bad performers, and bad performers get comfortable and stay. This presentation is a fast-paced look at some clever and aggressive new engagement and retention processes that are both effective and legally compliant, mixing fresh case studies with psychological theory. Unfortunately, engagement is far from an exact science. There's no secret formula, no easy calculation, no worksheet to fill out.This course will review how to hire well and techniques to keep your best performers engaged and wanting to stay with your organization. |
Inclusion: Building a Sustainable Culture of Diversity ![]() |
1 | There’s a perfect storm going on. We've got the new economy, a new generation coming online, and we have LinkedIn pulling people away from us and bringing them to us. Also, there are ethical issues. All of these issues surround and apply to the issue of diversity.Simply put, diversity is the mix of people you have in an organization, Inclusion is how you integrate and manage them. In the “New Normal” world of the modern economy, having a culture that encourages the full participation of all people on the team is a real competitive advantage.This fast-paced course updates one’s strategic view of the world of Diversity and Inclusion and applies it to the specialized world we work in. |
Building a Productive, Resilient Workforce ![]() |
1 | When it comes to hiring, using a conventional hiring process may not be as reliant as flipping a coin. A coin flip may often be better because it would bypass a lot of hidden biases and inefficient processes. We need to get back with a clean sheet of paper and do it better.In this course we will look at improving a process that is deeply flawed, and we will look objectively and outside the box on things we can do to identify and hire high performers. |
Get the Right Work Done (in less time): The Future of Time Management ![]() |
2 | Do you feel that you are multi-tasking more and getting less done? Do you work harder and longer and your "To-Do" list never gets any shorter? Well it's time to work smarter, not harder; work less and get more done! This session will review the challenges with time management and the lies told that don't work. We will cover solutions that are both personal and universal, and tactical and practical to power-up your productivity and leave you with more time for the important things in life – family, friends, and fun! |
Next Steps Series – The Next Generation: A Different Take on the Generations ![]() |
1 | Most "Generational" discussions focus on the differences of discrete groups within our population, and the result can be somewhat divisive, learn to focus on communication methods to bridge the gaps. |
Harassment Avoidance – Employee Training ![]() |
1 | There are moments in American History where we have examined our attitudes towards fundamental things — civil rights, sexuality, equal pay; now we are facing the crucible of sexual harassment. You may think we are going through a "perfect storm"; of Harassment in the workplace, but it is bigger than that. It appears to be fundamental climate change in how we handle power and ethics. Accusations and resignations — this presentation will explain how we got here, what we should do, and what challenge is on the horizon once we work through these issues. |
Working Together: Four Generations in the Workplace ![]() |
1 | Learn to embrace the diversity of the 4 generations in the workplace, to appreciate each group for their strengths, and to motivate and manages each group effectively. |
General Accounting
Course Title | Credits | Description |
Accounting & Attest Update Part 1 ![]() |
2 | Hot Topics for Preparing Current Period Financial Statements: Both public and private CPAs must be current on changes to various potentially relevant accounting and financial reporting standards, including U.S. GAAP. This module provides recent and proposed changes to relevant technical standards most relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of current period financial statements. |
Accounting & Attest Update Part 2 ![]() |
2 | Hot Topics for Current Period Audits and Other Attest Services: Both public and private CPAs must be current on changes to various potentially relevant professional standards, including changes related audits, compilations, reviews, and other attest services. This module provides recent and proposed changes to relevant professional and regulatory standards that have potential impact on public accounting services provided in the current period. |
Federal Tax Update 2022 ![]() |
4 | This course (broken into 4 parts) is essential for the tax practitioner who wants to update their knowledge of individual income taxation. Part 1 of the series deals with status issues that a practitioner encounters when preparing federal income tax returns. Part 2 of the series deals with income issues a practitioner will encounter when preparing federal income tax returns. Part 3 of the series deals with deduction issues that a practitioner encounters when preparing federal income tax returns. And finally, Part 4 deals with remaining miscellaneous issues not covered in the first three parts of the program that a practitioner encounters when preparing federal income tax returns |
Accounting for Digital Assets under U.S. GAAP, Part II ![]() |
2 | Guidance on how to account for digital assetsAccounting for stablecoins may not be stable:Though the use of digital assets is rapidly expanding, accounting guidance has not kept pace. As a result, accounting for digital assets can feel shaky.The AICPA can help:The AICPA practice aid on accounting and auditing for digital assets and this webcast can help you answer the question of what to do when you or your client accounts for stablecoins. You'll be helped to understand how to account for other transactions and investments involving crypto and digital assets under U.S. GAAP. You’ll also learn more about what the AICPA is doing to lend clarity and guidance to this murky but increasingly important field.Learn how you can add more value:Whether you’re a CPA with attest clients or an industry accountant responsible for corporate accounting policy, this guidance will give you a clear path to help your clients or firm by applying the most up-to-date accounting policy. Detailed examples and use cases will demonstrate real-world application of this guidance. |
Mergers and Acquisitions ![]() |
1.5 | Mergers and acquisitions happen in all industries and in all sizes of companies. Forensic accountants should know the differences between mergers and acquisitions, as well as the types of disputes in these transactions. Through narration by an industry subject matter expert and practical scenario-based exercises, this CPE course provides a nuanced exploration of the differences between mergers and acquisitions and details the role a forensic accountant plays in these transactions.
Enhanced On-Demand Format This enhanced on-demand format offers meaningful and relevant content in the form of tables, charts, and discussion points on slides. An instructor who is an expert on the topical area breaks down complex topics, offers best practices, provides clarity, and shares insights that help the learner achieve the learning objectives for the course. |
Other Accounting Standards and Regulatory Environment ![]() |
1 | Prepare and review standards-compliant fair value measurements.
This CPE course provides an overview of various supplemental topics related to fair value accounting. Specifically, the course addresses techniques used to measure the fair value of equity securities issued as compensation, key regulators over financial reporting, and fair value guidance under IFRS as compared to U.S. GAAP. |
Annual Update for Accountants and Auditors ![]() |
10.5 | The latest standards issued by FASB, ASB, ARSC, and other standard-setting bodies provide updated guidance related to financial reporting, auditing procedures, and compliance. |
Information Technology
Course Title | Credits | Description |
Permissioned Ledgers and Other Solutions ![]() |
1 | Learn about permissioned and permissionless ledgers in the context of blockchain's application in enterprise solution. Learn about your role, as accountant or auditor, in this changing environment. In this CPE self-study course, gain knowledge about access control, decentralization, anchoring, and due diligence, as well as blockchain as a service and blockchain's application in the government space. |
Blockchain Controls ![]() |
1 | Get ready for radical transformation. Learn how blockchain comes into play in term of system and organization controls. This CPE self-study will help you understand how blockchain has the potential to radically transform auditing and assurance practice. |
Understanding, Using, and Securing Crypto and Digital Assets ![]() |
2 | What's in your digital wallet? Learn about different types of wallets, with a focus on the security of digital assets. This CPE self-study course will help you gain knowledge about the various ways of securing digital assets including multisig wallets, two-factor authentication, and password manager. Learn about market capitalization of crypto assets, crypto asset exchanges, and how to use block explorer to verify transactions. Observe how assets will be secured and transactions will be recorded and verified in this new environment. |
Blockchain Opportunities Beyond Crypto Assets ![]() |
2 | Get ready for blockchain transactions
Learn how transactions are conducted on blockchain, including the sending and receiving of crypto assets, transaction fees, UTXO versus account models, throughput, and settlement. This CPE course will help you gain knowledge about zero-knowledge proof with an animated video that highlights the mechanism and benefit of it. Observe useful application of blockchain in various industries, such as supply chain, health care, digital identity, financial services, accounting and auditing, and tax. |
Risks and Challenges of Blockchain ![]() |
1.5 | Know the risks of blockchain
Learn all about the risks and challenges of blockchain so that you are prepared to advise internal or external stakeholders on implementation of blockchain. This CPE self-study course will inform you fully of the potential risks of this technology. Get a complete understanding of blockchain technology. |
The Future of Blockchain and Blockchain Trends ![]() |
1.5 | Level up your skills for the future
Become aware of future trends of blockchain, such as decentralized apps, decentralized autonomous organizations, and offchain transactions. This CPE self-study will prepare you to adapt yourself to this new environment. Level up your skill set to keep relevant and play a critical role in the future. |
Accounting for Digital Assets Under U.S. GAAP ![]() |
1 | Your client got paid in Bitcoin. Now what? Are crypto assets financial assets, a form of currency…or something else? Although the use of crypto assets (and the number of different types of crypto assets) is rapidly expanding, accounting guidance has not kept pace. This self-study CPE course will help you answer the question of what to do when your client is paid in Bitcoin, as well help you understand how to account for other transactions and investments involving crypto and digital assets under U.S. GAAP. Crypto asset accounting shouldn't be cryptic. With easy−to−digest key learnings and applicable real-world examples, this course will help you assess the rights and obligations associated with digital asset holdings, select the correct accounting treatment, apply relevant SEC rules and FASB standards, and more. You'll also learn what the AICPA is doing to lend clarity, and guidance, to this murky but important field. |
Introduction to Data Analytics with Excel Power Query ![]() |
1 | Guidance on how to account for digital assets Accounting for stable coins may not be stable:Though the use of digital assets is rapidly expanding, accounting guidance has not kept pace. As a result, accounting for digital assets can feel shaky.The AICPA can help:The AICPA practice aid on accounting and auditing for digital assets and this webcast can help you answer the question of what to do when you or your client accounts for stable coins. You'll be helped to understand how to account for other transactions and investments involving crypto and digital assets under U.S. GAAP. You’ll also learn more about what the AICPA is doing to lend clarity and guidance to this murky but increasingly important field.Learn how you can add more value:Whether you’re a CPA with attest clients or an industry accountant responsible for corporate accounting policy, this guidance will give you a clear path to help your clients or firm by applying the most up-to-date accounting policy. Detailed examples and use cases will demonstrate real-world application of this guidance. |
The Importance of Cybersecurity ![]() |
2 | Play a key role as a trusted adviser in cybersecurity risk management.
As a finance and accounting professional, you have a key role in helping your organization or client manage cybersecurity risks. You must understand the importance of cybersecurity and your role to immerse yourself in cybersecurity risk management. This CPE self-study course highlights the importance of cybersecurity and the role you play. It also emphasizes the importance of developing and applying a security mindset to become a trusted adviser to your organization and client. Learn more about how the traditional accounting and finance role is affected by cybersecurity. This knowledge is indispensable in today's global digital landscape of persistent and increasing cybercrime, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Cybersecurity and Digital Transformation ![]() |
1.5 | Digitization is transforming business every day, making cybersecurity even more crucial in today's world. As more organizations transition their data operations online, increasing their need for data storage, transfer, and accessibility by various means, it's critical that they understand the cybersecurity implications of such digital transformation.
As a finance and accounting professional, you have a key role in helping your organization or client manage cybersecurity risks. As part of that role, it's necessary to consider the impact of digital transformation and market trends on cybersecurity risk management. This CPE self-study course lays out market trends in digital transformation and their impact on cybersecurity. This knowledge is indispensable in today's ever−changing global digital landscape, especially with clients and organizations relying more on technology during the COVID-19 pandemic. |
The Business of Cybersecurity ![]() |
2.5 | Think strategically about cybersecurity. Know what services and products are available to improve your cyber resilience.
Cybersecurity risk management is complex. There are operational and financial considerations in managing this risk. Fortunately, a number of products and services are available to help. Find out what they are and how you can use them to strengthen your organization's or client's cybersecurity risk management program. You can help clients and organizations by making valuable recommendations on products and services that they can use within their cybersecurity risk management programs. As part of this, you need to be able to speak intelligently about the operational and financial implications of cybersecurity as you communicate with clients and collaborate within your organization. This CPE self study module covers mitigation of losses considerations, such as technology products, insurance, and outsourcing. It also covers the operational and financial implications of cybersecurity. This knowledge is indispensable as cybersecurity becomes more prevalent, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Course Title | Credits | Description |
Accounting Methods and Periods for Federal Tax Purposes The Business of Cybersecurity ![]() |
2 | Practitioners learn how to determine accounting methods for their clients and how to keep them in compliance. |
Inventory Methods The Business of Cybersecurity ![]() |
1 | There are multiple ways to derive an inventory valuation, but which method will affect the amount of taxable income recognized? This self-study course details the methods of valuing inventory, including special rules for dealing with FIFO and LIFO. Effect of shrinkage and market will also be discussed. You will learn about proposals to prohibit LCM and subnormal goods methods that include wash-sale goods. This course also offers practical guidance on which costs are included or excluded from the UNICAP calculation and identifies which companies are subject to the UNICAP rules. |
Capitalizing Inventory Costs and Estimated Shrinkage The Business of Cybersecurity ![]() |
1 | There are multiple ways to derive an inventory valuation, but which method will affect the amount of taxable income recognized? This self-study course details the methods of valuing inventory, including special rules for dealing with FIFO and LIFO. Effect of shrinkage and market will also be discussed. You will learn about proposals to prohibit LCM and subnormal goods methods that include wash-sale goods. This course also offers practical guidance on which costs are included or excluded from the UNICAP calculation and identifies which companies are subject to the UNICAP rules. |
Tax Research I - Tax Staff Essentials The Business of Cybersecurity ![]() |
5.5 | Upskilling in tax research makes it easier to get fast answers to thorny tax questions. |
Tax Research II - Tax Staff Essentials The Business of Cybersecurity ![]() |
5.5 | An advanced understanding of tax research techniques makes short work of finding answers to tax questions. |
Working Paper Documentation - Tax Staff Essentials The Business of Cybersecurity ![]() |
3 | Having organized working papers can save hours during the return preparation process. |

The Industry Average For CPE Credits Is $239 Per Year
First Time Customers Get 50% Off… Forever
Good every year for as long as long as you maintain your CPA license.
*Some states require state-specific ethics hours. Check with your state to determine if additional state-specific ethics courses are required.