CPE Requirements Tennessee

CPE Requirements Tennessee
License Renewal DateCPAs with an even license number – 12/31 of even years. CPAs with odd-numbered licenses – 12/31 of odd years.
CPE Reporting Period1/1 to 12/31 biennially, ending on even-numbered years for even license numbers and odd-numbered years for odd license numbers
General Requirement80 hours
Minimum Hours Per Year20 hours
Ethics RequirementTwo (2) hours from a board-approved state-specific ethics course designed to familiarize the licensee with accountancy law and rules as well as professional ethics.
Other Subject Area Requirements
  • At least 40 hours in technical subjects: accounting, governmental accounting, auditing, governmental auditing, business law, economics, finance, information technology, management services, regulatory ethics, specialized knowledge, statistics or taxes.
  • If engaged in attest function (including compilations), at least 20 hours is required in accounting and auditing.
  • If providing expert witness testimony, 20 hours of CPE is required in that area in which the court deems you an expert.

The above are general requirements. There may be additional requirements for individuals whose license has lapsed and/or initial first-time applicants, etc.

Because CPE standards are created and maintained jointly by the AICPA, NASBA (the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy), and individual state boards, we recommend checking with your state board to be absolutely sure you are fulfilling all requirements.
The link at the bottom of this page will take you to NASBA where you can select your state to get additional information specific to your individual case.

A direct link to your state board can also be found below.

Additional Requirements

The requirements on this page are general in nature. For a more detailed view and to get the most up to date information, visit:

Tennessee State Board of Accountancy
500 James Robertson Parkway
Davy Crockett Tower
Nashville, TN 37243-1141
Phone: 615-741-2550
Fax: 615-532-8800
Email: [email protected]
Board Website
Board Statutes

National Registry of CPE Sponsors